Time finally gave in and decided to keep this lass off her misery. I secretly vowed to never forget today and store up all the tiny shards of memories to ponder upon when I’m old and gray. Ok I can’t contain myself anymore. I have to tell you.
Today October 21st will be forever etched in my memory as the day I almost met Julia Child…... through wonderful baker and cook – Dorie Greenspan. Tada!
I mean how many times in a person’s life do they get an “almost” moment. Right? I’d fallen in love with Dorie’s book ‘Baking : from my Home to Yours’ ever since I laid eyes on it at the top shelf of a bookstore. She is a lovely writer and the stories behind her recipes are just as delightful to indulge in. When I learnt that she’d baked with Julia Child and had spent many a butter and sugar moment with her – I turned into a more adoring fan.
So back to the events of the 21st. I walked into Central Market (my other Mecca if you will) and decided to putter around till 6:30 came a-knocking and who should be in front of me but Dorie herself. I remember reciting to A.F “That’s Dorie Greenspan” in a high-pitched tone that sounded unequivocally surprised to see her in Central Market even though it was the very venue of our rendezvous. You’d think that all the excitement and the waiting would make me run beside her person and introduce myself. Nope. Not quite. Nerves took over and I immediately turned to the bottled water aisle with an instantaneous surge of interest in everything that makes aqua the essence of life. “Go talk to her. Say Hello” A.F urged me but what did yours truly say? “No that’s alright. I may say something stupid”. As if staring at bottled water was a stroke of my inner genius. Even as I type this I am smacking myself in the head for being such a coward.
The second time I chanced upon Dorie she was standing in the aisle less than a feet away from me, all alone and encased in the most opportune moment to spring for introductions with this subject of her fandom.. Did Captain Courage take over in round two? Obviously not because this time I turned to make eye contact with a ginormous fish covered in some kind of red paste, eyes still open with terror (the kind that comes from knowing that this is your last swim) through the glass case of the seafood section for a full 30 seconds.
Pitiful! I know and I hang my head in shame. But on to happier times......
I walked into class feeling like a kid in a candy store or in this case like I’d walked into Julia’s Paris. There were about 35 people in my class and I didn’t even care for the Valhrona chocolate (shocking, I know) in front of me. All I could think was “I’m in Julia and Dorie’s kitchen”.
She is such a friendly and down-to-earth person, just like her writing voice from the book. I couldn't stop smiling like some love-struck idiot and care I did not. I was finally here…I was sitting before Dorie Greenspan and in some mystical way before Julia Child herself.

I tried to take pictures too but as it so happens with all cameras, mine decided to throw a hissy fit at the most inopportune time. Predictable imperfection from something that you can otherwise rely on to come through especially when standing next to a relative you don’t quite want to remember again. In the end I forgave the camera because my evening got better when Dorie personally signed a copy of Around my French Table. The mute in me finally disappeared as I heard myself thanking her for a lovely evening and for enriching my repertoire with another great book. I walked away content.I would never forget today; the perfect end to the night with Dorie, (invisible) Julia and I.
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